Day in The Life of The Bear Brothers

I woke up to my brother and mom eating breakfast without me (not a great way to start the day). I went out to join them to find that there was no more fish left so I decided to go find some berries. Along the way I saw my friend moose (he not an actual moose, he’s a bear like us). The same thing had happened to him so we went looking for berries together. On my way home I was so full of berries I could barely even walk so I went strait to my room to go rest before my bear cubs meeting. At the meeting we learned to fish, which berries were safe to eat (scout leader champ showed me which ones were the tastiest) and what to do if we see a human. After I was done I walked home and starving yet again and I couldn’t wait for some fish especially, since I didn’t get any this morning. But my mom and brother ate all the fish again so I went out for some more berries, I probably could’ve gotten fish myself but I was a little nervous so I just went for some berries. I went home and my mom was reading my little sister a bed time story and my brother was play in the water so I went to go join him. We played (that was what the picture is) and fished and we were so tired I fell asleep the second I closed my eyes. Overall it was a pretty good day.