Dumbledores Quote

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.” This quote was said by Dumbledore from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban the movie. I think the meaning of this quotes is to show that happiness can be found anywhere as long as you try to find the good in something. This quote can relate to my life because when we went to Disney world it WBA’s humid and rainy everyday and not much fun, but as soon as we went on the rides we all cheered up because we saw that even though it wasn’t very comfortable we still were able to find fun. Those are my thoughts about this Dumbledore quote. What are yours?

Rad reading – December

The book I read for December is Blended by Sharon M. Draper. I’m almost done reading I have a few more chapters to go. What I loved about the book so much was how relatable it can be to many people it has such a great plot, and really shows you the characters and their traits. This book is about a girl named Isabella who is mixed races, and her parents are divorces. Her friend Imani finds a noose in her locker and get very scared. Her parent both find other partners and get married. My favorite character is the main character, Isabella. This is because I love her personality she is supper light hearted and caring towards friends and family, she is so sweet and such seems like such a good person based on all the information the author gives. Something Isabella says that shows her personality as a kind and caring person is, “What if next time someone hurts Imani, like physically?” This shows that she is cares about others because at the time in the story her friend Imani finds a noose in her locker and Isabella is scared for her and wants to be there for her. My favorite quote in the book is, “‘Yes’ is his reply. ‘Yes.’” I like this quote because it is when Isabella and her dad are talking about Imani and she asks him if she is black or white, and that is his response, this is my favorite because I think what he says shows that it doesn’t matter what race you are, and that you should be treated any other way because of it.

Word for 2024: Family

Instead of making a New Year’s resolution, I am going to focus on one word. That word for 2024 is family. I chose family because I want to focus on seeing family more often. It can be hard to see family sometimes since some live far away and with sports or music it can be hard but I think that it is important to see family and make time for them even if that is just calling them or texting even. The second reason I chose family is because I have so many cousins on my mom’s side and lots of time we only see them on holiday events, so I think we should see them more. The last reason that I chose the word family is because we see my family on my dads side all the time but right now my grandparents are away on a cruise all around the world and wont be back for 5 months, I really miss them already and I hope we can call them when they get on land and have internet! These where the reasons I chose the word family as my word for 2024 have a great year!

My Hero!

Somebody I look up to as my hero is my mom. I see my mom as my hero because no matter what happens she is always taking care of me and my sister, if she is sick or not having a good day she still comes through (sometimes she yells a little while doing it though). She makes dinner almost every night and (almost) every time its good, she is always happy to make food even if its 7 in the morning. The last reason my mom is my hero is because she always takes us shopping and lets us get a treat every once in a while, plus she is always happy to get them for us. These are the reasons my mom is my hero!

Day in The Life of The Bear Brothers

I woke up to my brother and mom eating breakfast without me (not a great way to start the day). I went out to join them to find that there was no more fish left so I decided to go find some berries. Along the way I saw my friend moose (he not an actual moose, he’s a bear like us). The same thing had happened to him so we went looking for berries together. On my way home I was so full of berries I could barely even walk so I went strait to my room to go rest before my bear cubs meeting. At the meeting we learned to fish, which berries were safe to eat (scout leader champ showed me which ones were the tastiest) and what to do if we see a human. After I was done I walked home and starving yet again and I couldn’t wait for some fish especially, since I didn’t get any this morning. But my mom and brother ate all the fish again so I went out for some more berries, I probably could’ve gotten fish myself but I was a little nervous so I just went for some berries. I went home and my mom was reading my little sister a bed time story and my brother was play in the water so I went to go join him. We played (that was what the picture is) and fished and we were so tired I fell asleep the second I closed my eyes. Overall it was a pretty good day.

What I’m Thankful For

I am thankful for so many things this year, but here are the top three things. I am thankful for my mom because when I’m sick she takes care of me. she makes delicious food almost every night. She is always on her feet whether it’s work, travel, helping at our church, school stuff, me and my sister, or even just going out to coffee with her friends. She really does find a way to help and get it done. She has her moments but never forgets to apologize. The second thing I am thankful for is my dad, my dad spends all day at his office working extremely hard. People basically yell at him all day and when he comes home he still keeps a smile and is always an amazing dad. The last thing I’m thankful for is my family I love both of my family’s very much and I’m always willing to go over for dinner or just hang out my moms parents live a few hours away but when we do go to see them its always so fun. They live on a ranch and always ride horses help around with some chores like feeding the chickens, watering plants, getting fruits and veggies from the garden things like that. My dads parents live a few minutes away and we see them all the time. We have dinner with them every Sunday actually. I can’t wait to see them all for thanksgiving! What are you thankful for?

Three Wishes

A genie has given me three wishes! The first one would be to have an infinite amount of money, I would wish for this because with an infinite amount of money I could help so many people and have more for me. Something else I would do was redo our house I would make it a little bigger add on a second story redo our backyard and fix up our pool. With the second wish I would ask to be able to teleport, I would want to be able to teleport with whoever I touch because then if somebody I knew wanted to go somewhere I could help them with out them having to pay for a plane ticket or drive many hours. I would also be able to see my cousins who live far away easily. For my last wish I would ask to be able to fly I think it would be cool to be able to fly places instead of driving. Another reason flying would be fun is I would get to be high up in trees, on top of building and I could go places like Disneyland without having to pay because I could just sneak in. These are all the wishes I would want and why. What would you wish for?

Switching Places

If I could trade places with a famous person for a week it would be Taylor Swift. I would trade places with Taylor Swift because I think it would be cool to be out in public and make somebody’s day just by simply saying hi. Another reason I would want to be Taylor swift is because there would be a bunch of people wanting to get a picture and I like taking pictures. Some other examples are because she has cats and I love cats. She also probably gets to go to cool places for filming the music videos and that sounds really cool to me. The last reason I would want to be Taylor Swift is because I got to go to the eras tour and she was wearing these really cool outfits that looked so amazingly eye catching, as soon as I saw them I just thought that it would be so fun to go up on stage were everybody there is so happy just to see you and show off those amazing costumes every single one was just stunning. Even though being famous would be hard sometimes and lots of people might be hounding you just to get a picture I think that she really deals with that really well and has such a great mindset about all of the bad things she has gone through.

My Dream Day

My teacher asked me to write about my perfect day and this is what it would be like. I would be in Yosemite at my aunts cabin with my family and my friends, Abby and Maddy. There would be a light, fluffy layer of snow about a foot tall. It would be actively snowing while me and my friends sled, build snow men, and just lay there looking up to the sky and enjoying the moment. Just down the road is the most beautiful path surrounded by trees covered in sparkling snow. When you walk through it feels unreal, like walking through a movie. Then after a long day of fun we go inside and sit by the fire with our feet up on the ledge closest to the fire because they are freezing. We drink hot cocoa and feed the blue jays. My mom makes delicious homemade dinner that fills the air with the smell of mashed potato’s steak and green beans. We go to bed exhausted and wake up the next day for an action packed day of even more fun.

Forever Age

The age I would want to be for ever is twenty-three years old. I would want to be this age because I would be able to have all the abilities of an adult so I would get to vote or get a tattoo plus many other things. Some other pluses are that I would be out of school and just finding a job so my parents might still give me money. The last reason is that I would be the same age as my older cousin who lives close and she comes over almost every Friday with her older sister ( who is also my cousin) and watches us after school and once they leave they go out and hang out with some of our cousins and their friends who I also know and she has taken me with her a few times when I was longer but I wish I could go more because they often go to Disneyland (because they have passes) and knots berry farms and things like that. These are all the reason I would want to be twenty-three for ever.